Monday, April 13, 2009

The day after

Many of are not what sure to do the day after Easter. Some take the day off. Some work (like I did). Some do not even give it thought. The texts that follow Easter day tend to deal w/ the post-resurrection appearances and what that might mean for us. The text from the Gospel bearing John's name (whichever John it may've been; apparently there were many Johns in that part of the world) deals with doubt. Doubt is something I am familiar with since in my recent years I have ventured down what some might call the slippery slope of cynicism; I just call it growing up in my faith and realizing that the more I read, the more cynicism, more doubt, and more questions follow. At the same time, the more I know (or I think I know), the more I don't know. Ultimately, all this stuff is mystery to me. Not that I call my self a mystic, but I end up just realizing that I don't really know why I do what I do, or why I keep doing it, sometimes. I only know that what I experience is something that feeds me, equips me, and continues to call me (some would say this is the holy spirit; okay, I can see that). Whether I am cynical or even skeptical, I haven't thrown in the towel yet (it could happen tomorrow, but for today, not yet). Though I do not adhere to Anselm's atonement stuff, his famous dictum describes me well: Fides quaerens intellectum.

I believe; help my unbelief.

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